
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

my hero

landon donovan
not my hero but if a person I admire for the way they play football is a person withcharisma shows that it is a good person for this sport apart from that I admire him for having the goal of ssu rec0rd usa this country play is considered the best soccerjugardor united states than it is placed at number 90 in the position of best players of fifaapart is known for his social work was reading about Landon Donovan once went to ahospital united states i had a very sick child and this child is asked to give their supportforces that he had a very good future as a person and the child died 3 years later islandon donoban How tragic but it's a good person.

doctors borders

doctors borders

doctors without borders are those doctors who have no problem als to help people who are not in close proximity to them and how they can not get to the doctors withoutborders doctors then look for ways to reach them and look for ways to help no matterhowto help them with little but help them this "gives us a lesson that there are good people on the planet no matter the distance, but true mind that what matters is helping to persons who need medical help. these doctors are like wings fundacdin they help low-income persons as well as to persons who do not have a good source of income they are like a collaboration for this ayudanjdolas people to be aware of your health.

doctors without borders

doctors without borders
doctors without borders are those doctors who have no problem als to help people who are not in close proximity to them and how they can not get to the doctors withoutborders doctors then look for ways to reach them and look for ways aunquesea to be able to help them help a little but this gives us a lesson "that there are good people onthe planet no matter the distance, but true mind that what matters is helping to personswho need medical help.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

nursing home

In the United States, a "Skilled Nursing Facility" or "SNF" is a nursing home certified to participate in, and be reimbursed by Medicare. Medicare is the federal program primarily for the aged who contributed to Social Security and Medicare while they were employed. A "Nursing Facility" or "NF" is a nursing home certified to participate in, and be reimbursed by Medicaid. Medicaid is the federal program implemented with each State to provide health care and related services to those who are "poor." Each State defines poverty and; therefore, Medicaid eligibility. Those eligible for Medicaid may be aged, disabled or children (e.g. Children's Health Insurance Programs - CHIPs and Maternal-Child wellness and food programs).

Each state licenses its nursing homes, making them subject to the state's laws and regulations. Nursing homes may choose to participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid. If they pass a survey (inspection), they are "certified" and are also subject to federal laws and regulations. All or part of a nursing home may participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid.

In the United States, nursing homes which participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid are required to have licensed practical nurses (LPNs) (in some States designated "vocational nurses" or "LVNs") on duty 24 hours a day. For at least 8 hours per day, 7 days per week, there must be a registered nurse on duty. Nursing homes are managed by a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator. Unlike U.S. nursing there are no standardized training and licensing requirements for administrators, though most states require a Federal License, and many states such as California have their own licensure for administrators. On April 18, 2005 there were a total of 16,094 nursing homes in the United States, down from 16,516 on December 12, 2002.
There are states that have other levels of care offered to elderly and other adults who need assistance and are able to live in the community. For instance, Connecticut has Residential Care Homes or RCH that are licensed by the State Department of Public Health. These homes provide 24-hour supervision and typically offer a more "home-like" environment. Many are actually large homes that have been converted to dwellings that offer a residential community that promotes an independent lifestyle and fosters fellowship with others who need some form of assistance to live in the community.

YOU CAN HELP THE WAY THAT THEY ARE NOT ALONE WILL PERCENT COMPANY PARTYWILL BE IN A SAFE PLACE WITH PEOPLE THAT WILL BE TAKING CARE AT ANY TIME ANDTHAT THEY WILL BE AI FOR ANYTHING YOU GO PERSON ALA is also a safe place for them thatare with people who will be taking care of 24 hours a day will give them their medication and this helps these people because they are not alone Quei care as helping an elderly

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

the ancient toys

growing up in ancient rome: one of the most ancient rome toys were the dolls but the dolls are not like those ofHowrah but before you could say they were made than this bag contains a hypothesisthat the filling of these dolls that echo dried mud.

one famous game of the rome:  
Latrunculi mean or mercenary soldiers, thieves and was the most popular game ofrational man in the Roman Empire. We found numerous boards vary in size, but themost common size is 8 by 8. This game seems to have gone through a transition, andthe Duodecim Scriptorum Tabula changed. The result is that the writers have alternatelydescribed as having a kind of playable cards, two types, or three, causing considerable confusion.
the toy of the mayas: patolli This  game played by the Aztecs is described with alarm by the friars, since he bet andsome came to losing their possessions and even the fact of being sacrificed to thegods. 
the game of the mayas: the soccer of mayas This section will outline the basic rules governing this game, with special attention to the score and the players, and also discuss some of the different types of courts that took place in Mesoamerican cultures.rules of gameA more complete description is offered by various authors on the basis of extensivestudies. These rules also varied by region and culture that played, but basically, withcaution as indicated Taladoire (2000), we can state that was formed by two teams of one to seven players, with a judge, who face a long court Divided in two, plungingdirectly, or by passing a non-vulcanized rubber ball about three kilos. This must betouched by any body part or attachment that was allowed (harness, gloves, hip, hand,forearm.